All art is inherently generous, because no piece of art ever had to be created. Life could go on without it.
It is the generosity, the little bit extra you add to the job, that elevates a task (commodity) to a work (unique) and makes it valuable.
Bob Mosier has a job. Every parent of a student in our county knows his voice. We usually don't like it when he calls. Last night, with his daughter, he produced an amazing piece of art.
It isn't original (but it is innovative). It isn't on key.
But it is terrific! It is generous. People love it. His work brings smiles to a difficult situation, and compels you to listen. It is effective. It is valuable. It is appreciated.
Anybody can be an artist. You don't need "talent", "giftedness" or "training" (those will help you be a better artist). You just need a willingness to give of yourself.
Be an artist. Produce great work.